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7 Self-Care Tips for People in Recovery

Legacy Healing Center Blog

What Does Self-Care Mean?  

Self-care entails taking time to conduct activities that take care of your mind, body, and soul. These actions promote overall well-being and have been shown to reduce stress by making your needs a priority despite the challenges in your life. 

If you were in active addiction for a long time, chances are self-care was not at the top of your lists of concerns, so now that you are in recovery, you can make it a priority. It can be easy to get caught up in the mundane routine of everyday life, but now more than ever, it’s essential to take care of yourself, so other areas of your life don’t become negatively impacted.   

Self-Care Isn’t Selfish  

Taking steps for yourself was once viewed as a selfish act, but practicing self-care has increased in popularity recently. Many people now recognize that you can’t care for others if you neglect your needs.

While it feels good to show others how much you care for them, your ability to help others increases when your self-care remains a leading concern. When the world seems bleak, ensuring you have your priorities in the right order helps impact you and others in a positive light. 

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Tips for Taking Care of Yourself in Recovery  

Due to the ongoing global pandemic, our day-to-day lives have changed in a big way. Many people have to work from home, kids are home from school, and socializing in a public setting remains problematic and potentially harmful. 

Anxiety and stress levels are at an all-time high. Needing to limit our time with others is pinned against our unwavering need for human connection. All this turmoil surrounding us means that practicing self-care should be a priority now more than ever. 

Here are some tips for ensuring your self-care is prioritized: 

  1. Practice mindfulness: You probably heard a lot about mindfulness during your treatment. It focuses on being present and addresses emotions or thoughts you may have been avoiding. This process gives you a chance to self-reflect and helps further your emotional growth.   
  2. Connect with others in recovery: Being in recovery can sometimes feel isolating if we’re afraid of being misunderstood or judged. This feeling can lead to depression, anxiety, and even relapse. Finding people that have had similar experiences and struggles as you can be very beneficial. Support groups such as Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous are easy ways to connect with others in a safe space. This interaction can also allow you to talk through what you’re feeling and further your self-reflection.   
  3. Find balance in your life: The narrative that being busy and productive is the ultimate goal can be destructive to our overall health and well-being. It’s perfectly okay and healthy to take time to relax. It’s imperative in the early stages of recovery to take time to be alone with your thoughts and focus on yourself. It may help to establish a weekly routine that includes time for school, work, family life, connecting with others, and time for self. This process can help ensure you’re not spending all your time focusing on one aspect of your life. 
  4. Ensure you’re getting adequate nutrition: Eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and taking supplements to replace any vitamin deficiencies you may have can help heal your body and aid the recovery process.  
  5. Practice good hygiene: We all feel better when we feel like we look good, so take the time to show yourself some love by caring for your body through exercise and healthy daily grooming habits.   
  6. Find hobbies you enjoy: Discovering new adventures like nature walks or camping can help you feel connected to the world’s beauty to help heal mental anguish too. 
  7. Get enough sleep: A healthy night of sleep has a significant benefit to your overall well-being, and not getting enough sleep can take a severe toll on your body and health. 

Self-care can go a long way in helping you cope with what you’ve been through, but it is not always enough. If you’re struggling and need more support, reach out to our addiction specialists at Legacy Healing Center on our confidential line (888) 534-2295. There is no shame in asking for help when you need it, which is a perfect way to practice self-care. 


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