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Keys to Helping Someone with Addiction

Legacy Healing Center Blog

Before you can help someone overcome addiction, it’s vital to learn these steps first.

Helping someone with an addiction is never an easy task but understanding a few key points about addiction, and those who suffer from it, can make it easier to be of support. If you have a loved one that has decided to get help for an addiction, they should be commended for their bravery.

It’s an incredibly difficult decision to get help, let alone admit there is a problem but through support and love, there is a greater shot at sobriety. We understand that it is also very difficult for loved ones of an addict to watch them go through rehabilitation and we commend your bravery and support.

By reading our keys to helping someone with an addiction you can help yourself help your loved one. Recovery is something that no individual should go at alone.

How To Help An Addict

It goes without saying but for friends and family members of addicts they should not expect rehabilitation to be an easy process, there will be difficulties. Throughout the difficulties of helping with addiction, friends and family should focus on trust, honesty, and privacy of the individual.

Although tempers may be raised and it may be difficult to remain calm, especially if this isn’t the first try at rehabilitation, you are helping someone with addiction by not threatening or criticizing them or even expecting immediate change. Oftentimes rehabilitation can take various tries and although that isn’t what the individual or the loved ones want, it is what happens.

Here are a few other reasons why helping with addiction can be difficult:

  • Individuals struggling with addiction may not be able to admit there is a problem
  • Individuals who struggle with addiction may not want to change their lifestyle
  • Individuals struggling with addiction may not want to face possible consequences such as legal or loss of job
  • Individuals struggling with addiction may feel embarrassed and not want to talk about their issues with immediate family or friends
  • Individuals struggling with addiction may also struggle to speak about their personal issues with a professional in a rehabilitation center.
  • Addiction may be a cause of avoidance of another issue or problem

When it comes to helping someone with an addiction there is no right or wrong way or circumstance that will work better than another, each situation is unique. Overcoming addiction takes a tremendous amount of determination from the individual as well as a team of individuals that know how to help an addict.

Continue reading to learn some of the tips on how to help an addict.

Helping With Addiction

Helping loved ones with addiction can be a strenuous task but taking some correct steps towards helping someone with an addiction can help make both of your experiences easier.

  • Trust – establishing trust between the addict and the support is important, especially if trust has previously been broken.
  • Allow yourself to get help – if you are the significant other of an addict, or a friend or family member, you are allowed to get help yourself. Take time to manage your stress and feelings to sort out where you are before trying to have a clear mind to help with addiction.
  • Communicate – working on communication with an addict is important because honest communication can be a key player in trust and letting your loved one understand where you are coming from.

When it comes to helping with addiction, friends and loved ones must remember to keep trust as a number one priority and be honest about what you are feeling. Never take steps to make your loved one struggling with addiction feel humiliated or criticize them and be prepared to take feedback on your personal behaviors.

You can learn more tips on how to get someone into rehab, or just find out more about the detox and rehab process by visiting Legacy Healing Center. Call us today at 888-597-3547.

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