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Dual Diagnosis Treatment Long Island

Legacy Healing Center Blog

What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Many people mistakenly believe that an addiction to drugs or alcohol is a condition in and of itself caused by the person’s decisions. The reality is that many factors in your life may have contributed to your addiction which is why addiction is not a choice; it’s a disease that often requires dual diagnosis treatment in Long Island to overcome.

Mental illness is frequently a component of substance abuse and addiction. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma associated with mental illness that can trigger discomfort or embarrassment, so mental illness often goes undiagnosed and untreated. However, when you come to Legacy Healing Center, we work personally with you to uncover whether or not mental illness is a factor in your addiction. If it is, we can put a plan together for dual diagnosis treatment in Long Island so you have the benefit of addressing both conditions during the course of your time at Legacy.

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Common Co-Occurring Disorders

Several conditions can go hand-in-hand with an addiction, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Behavioral problems such as anger issues or disinhibition
  • Problems with social skills
  • Learn disabilities

As you begin to work with the Legacy team, we will collaborate with you to determine whether or not one of these conditions makes it difficult for you to overcome your addiction.

Therapies Used in the Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders

When you come to Legacy for dual diagnosis treatment in Long Island, you will participate in different therapy forms that will help address your co-occurring disorder. Here are some examples of the therapies you can expect to participate in during the course of your treatment:

Individual counseling

As addiction experts, we realize that you may not feel comfortable sharing certain aspects of your life with those around you yet. This is one of the leading benefits of individual counseling. During these sessions, you will have the chance to speak to one of our counselors in a personalized setting.

Whether you want to talk about something you recently remembered, an experience that occurred when you were in active addiction, or about how you’re progressing through your recovery program, you will have the peace of mind of knowing you have a safe place to share all of your thoughts.

Group therapy

Have you ever attended a 12-step meeting? If so, you will recognize the format of a group therapy session. During these guided sessions, you will have the chance to share your experiences or opinions regarding different topics associated with sobriety, addiction, or recovery. In turn, you will listen to the thoughts of others in your group. Group therapy also gives you an excellent opportunity to make connections with people and develop your support system.

Of course, another contributing factor to your co-occurring disorder may also be trauma. If you were a first responder or you were physically or psychologically abused during your life, these events may have not only impacted your tendency toward addiction but also your mental health. This is part of the reason why we also give our clients the chance to participate in different forms of trauma-based therapy in connection with their dual diagnosis treatment in Long Island, such as:


Hypnotherapy is used to put you in a state of relaxation to feel more at ease relieving these potentially painful moments in your life. This sense of peace can help you explore different memories you may not think of during your waking moments. When we can identify these memories and start to work through them with our team, they may become less painful and not be sources of triggers.

Brain Paint and Vibroacoustic therapy

Understanding the brain’s inner workings is an invaluable tool as you begin to work through dual diagnosis treatment in Long Island. A Brain Paint session usually takes anywhere between 25 to 30 minutes, during which time our team will “paint a picture” of your brain based on responses to specific questions that we will ask you. Typically, clients will participate in three to four sessions. The information that we learn can be a valuable source for addressing your addiction and its contributing factors.

Are you ready to learn more about dual diagnosis treatment in Long Island? A member of the Legacy Healing Center team is here to provide you with the information that you need to decide on the best care for you. Regardless of whether you opt to enroll in our inpatient program or one of our outpatient programs, you can rest assured that you will receive the personalized attention that you need during this critical time in your life. Please reach out to us at 888.534.2295 for more information about our dual diagnosis treatment in Long Island.

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