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Alcohol Detox Center Orlando

Legacy Healing Center Blog

Top Rated Alcohol Detox Center in Orlando

If you are ready to overcome addiction, it’s best to find an alcohol detox center in Orlando that can serve all your needs. At Legacy Healing Center, we provide you with the personalized care you need to work through the various aspects of your addiction, including the time you may need to detox.

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What Is Alcohol Withdrawal?

Alcohol withdrawal is something that takes place when your body has gotten used to consuming a certain amount of alcohol each day and, suddenly, no longer consumes that same amount anymore. Within just a few hours of your last drink, you will start to experience alcohol withdrawal, which can send your body into a tailspin.

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

One of the leading reasons we strongly recommend that you take advantage of coming to our alcohol detox center in Orlando is that withdrawal symptoms are unpredictable. You could experience one or a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Shakiness
  • Anxiety
  • Seizures
  • Disorientation

Why Choose Medical Detox for Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Medical detox can help to ease the stress of detox. At Legacy Healing, we focus on creating a calming environment so that you can exclusively focus on yourself and recovery.

You won’t need to worry about external influences that could jeopardize your recovery process. You can take comfort in knowing that a member of our team is always available to help you manage any of the emotions you may be going through during these first few days of your treatment.

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Last?

Clients that come to our alcohol detox center can expect to spend at least one week at our facility. Typically, you will feel the worst between the first and the third day in detox and begin to feel better toward the end of the week.

Medications Used in Alcohol Detox

At Legacy Healing, we utilize a number of tools to help you work through the withdrawal process at an alcohol detox center in Orlando. There are certain medications that we can use to help make the detox process more manageable. The medications that we use will depend on your individual situation, and we will never put in you a position to become addicted to another type of substance as a result.

What Happens After Alcohol Detox?

After working through a program at an alcohol detox center in Orlando, you can begin focusing on a more extended treatment plan and taking advantage of our inpatient or outpatient program.

It’s important to remember that coming to our alcohol detox center in Orlando will only remove the influence of alcohol from your body; it will not provide you with the tools that you need for lifelong sobriety. As you begin to feel better, we will speak with you more about the best treatment options for you after detox, including inpatient treatment.

Alcohol Detox at Legacy Healing Center

The process of going through detox is something that can be incredibly traumatic, both physically and psychologically, for any person. When you choose to work with Legacy at our alcohol detox center in Orlando, we will provide you the medical care you need to ensure no serious harm comes to you as you begin your journey toward your recovery.

Whether you’re reaching out for help for yourself or you’re interested in learning more about addiction because you’re a concerned friend or family member, you can count on our team to always take the time to speak with you. When you’re ready, please reach out to us at 888.534.2295 to learn how our alcohol detox centers can help you achieve sobriety.

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