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Dual Diagnosis Treatment Miami

Legacy Healing Center Blog

Miami Dual Diagnosis Addiction Treatment Center

There are many people that don’t realize that, in certain cases, issues with addiction and mental health go hand in hand. If you fall into this category, then it would be beneficial for you to learn more about your options for dual diagnosis treatment in Miami. At Legacy Healy Center, our years of experience have taught our team that it’s imperative that we offer co-occurring disorders treatment as it will only help our clients to ultimately maintain their long-term sobriety.

Click here to speak with a treatment specialist today or call us anytime 24/7 at (888) 534-2295

What is Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Dual diagnosis treatment is the process of addressing the contributing factors associated with your addiction and the impact that your addiction has had on your overall mental health. When you partner with Legacy Healing Center, you will have the opportunity to choose from working from through an inpatient or an outpatient program. One of the attributes that helps Legacy Healing Center stand out from other treatment facilities is the fact that we take a personalized approach to care which means that every program is individualized to your needs. This provides you with the peace of mind of knowing that you are getting nothing short of the best care possible.

Who Needs Dual Diagnosis Treatment?

Any person that is suffering with addiction and mental health issues would benefit from working through a program that incorporates dual diagnosis treatment. It’s important to remember that it’s not uncommon for a person that has an addiction to not realize that they also are combating with a mental health disorder. If this applies to you, we will help in the diagnosis process as well as formulating an overall treatment plan.

What are Common Co-Occurring Disorders?

There are several examples of co-occurring disorders that a person may experience if they are combating with both mental health as well as addiction issues such as:

  •         Anxiety
  •         PTSD
  •         Depression
  •         Bipolar disorder

If you are struggling with another type of mental health disorder that is not included on this short list, you can take comfort in the fact that we have the ability to treat you. Simply reach out to a member of our team so that we can provide you with more guidance.

How to Find the Best Drug Detox

The first step in any treatment plan, including dual diagnosis treatment in Miami, is locating a facility that offers not only this type of recovery plan but also a top-of-the-line drug detox plan. For many clients, the first step in their journey toward a sober and healthier life is detox. It’s important to remember that if you’re struggling with any type of addiction, there is always the possibility that you will experience withdrawal symptoms within just a few hours from the last time that you consumed your drug of choice. These withdrawal symptoms can be both physical and psychological which is why it’s critical that you partner with a treatment facility that offers a detox program with a team that can closely monitor your detox symptoms.

One of the best ways that you can find both a quality detox program as well as a facility that offers co-occurring disorder treatment is to get in touch with that facility and speak to their team. Remember, if you aren’t able to do this, our staff is always happy to speak with friends or family members that may be trying to help you to get information about your dual diagnosis treatment options.

Are you ready to learn more about our dual diagnosis treatment in Miami and receive the addiction and mental health assistance that you need? If so, then please reach out to us today at 888.534.2295 for more information. 

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