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7 Tips for Going to Parties When You’re Not Drinking

Legacy Healing Center Blog

How to Have Fun at Parties When You’re Sober

Many people recently fell deeper into addiction due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and many of them are looking to regain their sobriety. If you are one of the millions of Americans who has reassessed their relationship with substance abuse and are now looking to live a sober lifestyle, you are not alone. Sobriety is battled through a series of steps, and one of those is being able to be around alcohol without consuming it. Luckily, there are tips for going to parties when you’re not drinking.

Human beings, in general, tend to socialize around alcohol, and saying you won’t attend activities that involve alcohol may not be feasible for you. You may not want to miss out on events because alcohol is served. Before you decide to attend an event like this, you need to make sure you are in a place in your sobriety where you can be around others drinking. If you don’t feel ready, you should decline. But if you decide to attend, our seven best tips for going to parties when you’re not drinking include:

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  1. Make a plan. Decide in advance that there is no way you will be drinking at this party. Also, decide before you leave your house what you will tell people why you are not drinking. You can tell as much or as little as you want about your sobriety, but it can save you from feeling being put on the spot.
  2. Go to a meeting first. Attending AA or NA beforehand can fortify your resolve and keep you on track.
  3. Bring a sober friend (or have someone to call/text). Having a sober friend may feel much more comfortable and help you have someone to stay accountable to or even just lean on for support. If someone cannot go with you, having someone to text or call can be just as helpful. If you start to feel weak and might start drinking, calling that friend could be what stops you or helps you to leave the situation.
  4. Bring a backup drink and keep it full. You can’t always be sure there will be non-alcoholic options, so best to bring your own. Keeping it full will avoid someone asking to top you off or offer you an alcoholic drink unintentionally. Also, be sure to serve yourself and if you set your drink down, get a new one. You don’t want to accidentally pick up another drink with alcohol in it.
  5. Garnish your drink to avoid repeated questions. You can garnish a drink, keep it in a rocks glass or a solo cup to make it look like an alcoholic beverage. This can help if you want to avoid others keep asking you why you aren’t drinking.
  6. Be ready to leave. If you suddenly feel overwhelmed by temptation, leave immediately. Don’t tempt yourself. Have an exit plan ready, whether keeping track of your keys or phoning a friend to get you. It can also be a good idea to leave early before others get more intoxicated and the gathering gets a little out of hand.
  7. Most importantly, have fun. Prove that you don’t need alcohol to have a good time. Dance, karaoke, play board games, whatever everyone else is doing, and don’t feel you need to sit in a corner all night.

Recovery Support and Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Legacy Healing Center

These tips for going to parties when you’re not drinking are great for anyone who wants to drink less. Still, if you find yourself unable to stop abusing alcohol on your own, it might be time to get professional help for alcohol addiction. At Legacy Healing Center, we are here to help you or a loved one with alcohol recovery. We offer a range of levels of care for any however mild or severe the addiction may be, as well as many treatment options for a tailor-made recovery plan. Please give us a call at 888.534.2295 today if you have any questions on tips for going to parties when you’re not drinking, or you’re ready to start your journey to recovery. 


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