Legacy Healing Center Blog
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LGBTQ+ Young Adults and Teen Mental Health: How to Help Yourself and Your Friends
Coming of age is hard under practically all circumstances; coming of age and identifying as LGBTQ+ can be even more…

Finding Freedom: 12 Tips to Help You Stop Drinking
Quitting drinking is one of the most difficult things that many people will ever do, but it is certainly possible.…

How Much Does Drug and Alcohol Rehab Cost?
Inpatient and outpatient rehab programs have helped millions of people achieve and maintain lasting sobriety. Despite these programs’ effectiveness, the…

Drug-Induced Psychosis: What It Is, Symptoms, and Finding Help
Psychosis disrupts an individual’s thoughts and perceptions, and sufferers often have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is…

How Long Is Rehab for Drugs and Alcohol Addiction?
Sections in this Article Common Rehab Program Lengths Factors That Affect the Length of Rehab Inpatient Rehab vs. Outpatient Rehab…

Alcohol & Nyquil
The combination of NyQuil and alcohol is a topic of growing concern, as both substances are commonly used yet potentially…

Goals for the New Year to Encourage Sobriety
The new year marks an exciting time to start fresh and set meaningful goals. For anyone struggling with addiction, choosing…

What Are Alcohol Eyes?
When alcohol consumption begins to affect physical health, some signs may manifest in unexpected ways, such as “alcohol eyes.” These…

Differences Between Types of Delta THC
Delta THC typically refers to one of the many chemical variants (or isomers) of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive compound…

The Effects of Benadryl
Benadryl is a popular over-the-counter medication that relieves symptoms associated with allergies, colds, and other conditions. While it can be…