Legacy Healing Center Blog
Legacy Blog
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Deaths from Xanax Overdose Pose Extreme Danger to Addicts
Xanax, a widely prescribed medication for anxiety and panic disorders, is a household name in the world of mental health…

Signs Your Significant Other Is Using or Selling Drugs
If you are in a relationship with someone who you suspect is struggling with a substance use disorder (SUD) or…

Legacy Healing Center’s New Admissions Office In Delray Beach
Press Release for Legacy Healing Delray Beach The Legacy Healing Center’s Delray Admissions Office has recently opened in Delray Beach,…

Short-and Long-Term Effects of Ecstasy (Molly)
Molly, a form of ecstasy, is one of the most popular club drugs in the world. However, molly is a…

Is Your Klonopin Addiction Worsening? Discover Treatment Options
Are you or is someone you love suffering from Klonopin addiction? Find out how drug treatment programs can help. If you or a…

The Long Term Effects of Painkillers Can Be Devastating
Learn about the long term effects of painkillers and how to withdraw safely from these drugs. We have all experienced…

Tips for Holding a Successful Intervention
Learn what steps are needed to ensure a successful intervention for your friend or loved one. You might be wondering…

What Are the Side Effects of Angel Dust?
Phencyclidine (PCP), commonly known as angel dust, is a powerful hallucinogenic drug initially developed as an anesthetic. Despite its intended…

6 Interesting Facts About Drugs on College Campuses
Many drugs are abused on college campuses and the facts behind the drug use are stunning. College drug use is…

Top 5 Common Symptoms of Substance Abuse
Learn how to spot signs of someone struggling with substance abuse. Symptoms of drug abuse aren’t always obvious but it…