Drug Addiction Treatment Boynton Beach
Legacy Healing Center Blog
Best Drug Addiction Treatment Boynton Beach
For drug addiction treatment in Boynton Beach, reach out to the addiction treatment experts at Legacy Healing. We have an integrated treatment program that combines behavioral therapy, group and individual therapy, counseling, exercise and nutrition, and life skills training for a whole-patient approach to healing.
Legacy Healing has the best drug addiction treatment programs because of our highly-trained and caring staff, incredible amenities, and 100% customized treatment plans for each of our Legacy Healing clients.
Our staff uses trauma-informed methodologies to ensure you feel safe throughout your treatment. You can trust us, and we will use open communication and transparent decision-making to ensure you are a part of every decision. There will be no surprises, and we will obtain informed consent before moving forward with any treatments.
Each of our patients receives a completely customized treatment plan based on what we learn about your physical and mental health, your history of drug use and relapsing, and your goals, dreams, and preferences. We will ensure we are meeting your needs, helping you get sober, and helping to give you the recovery skills you will need to live a sober, self-directed life after rehab.
Click here to speak with a treatment specialist today or call us anytime 24/7 at (888) 534-2295
What Is Drug Addiction Treatment Boynton Beach Like?
When you first decide to get treated for drug addiction at Legacy Healing, we will meet with you and discuss your treatment and payment options, and you can take a tour of the facility if you like. When you are ready, our intake procedures include a medical and psychiatric screening, as well as an in-depth interview so we can find out more about you and your history with drugs and alcohol. We will work with you to determine the best treatment plan to meet your unique needs, goals, and preferences.
You will then move into detox to get the drugs out of your system. Once you are stabilized, we will transfer you into our inpatient rehab facility to work on yourself. We will help you get to the root of your addiction through a combination of therapy, counseling, groups and education, and we will help you work on your physical health as well so you can heal inside and out.
How Long Does Drug Addiction Treatment Last?
We highly encourage all of our clients to remain in treatment for as long as you need, and therapy happens at your own pace, so there is no definitive timeline laid out for you to follow. In very general terms, after detoxing, which usually takes around a week, depending on which substance you are detoxing from and other factors, you will enter our inpatient rehab center for a minimum of 30 days. Longer-term care is available as well, with our 60 and 90-day programs.
After inpatient care during drug addiction treatment in Boynton Beach, we will transition you into outpatient care. There are different levels of outpatient care. Some people may want to enter our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and ease slowly back into life, taking small steps. Others may be ready to get back to work or have a very low risk of relapsing and move directly into our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). These programs do not have an end date but instead are flexible and will change as your needs evolve, so you can increase or decrease the intensity and frequency of your visits to our outpatient center as you wish.
What Types of Drug Addiction Treatment are Available in Boynton Beach?
At Legacy Healing, we offer the full spectrum of drug addiction treatment for residents of Boynton Beach. We will take you from our intake procedures through detox, inpatient and outpatient rehab, and aftercare. Most of our treatments and programs happen in the same facility, so we can help you transition smoothly from one to the next without your needing to change locations and meet new doctors and caregivers, telling your same story over and over. We want to make your transitions as easy on you as possible and provide continuous, consistent care.
Drug Detox Boynton Beach
Detoxing from drugs does not have to be a scary or traumatic time. At Legacy Healing, we offer a medical detox program that will keep you safe and block the worst of your withdrawal symptoms so you can move on to rehab feeling strong and clear-headed as soon as possible. Medical detox will significantly reduce your risk of relapsing.
Inpatient Drug Rehab
Inpatient drug rehab is an essential step in recovery. At Legacy Healing, you will check in to our residential rehab center for 30, 60, or 90 days, living in a highly structured and community-oriented environment amongst your peers.
The days will be scheduled according to a plan you will have helped create alongside our staff. You will attend group and individual therapy sessions, counseling, life skills and vocational training courses, and more. We offer nutritional counseling, exercise programs, and all sorts of optional recreational activities like sports, games, and movies.
Outpatient Drug Rehab
Legacy Healing has a few different outpatient drug addiction treatment options in Boynton Beach: the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). Each patient receives a customized treatment plan that can change over time as their needs evolve. Generally, the treatments will include assessment, education, group sessions, therapy, and up to seven days a week of programming like therapy appointments and attending groups like 12-step program or SMART recovery.
The PHP is an in-between step from rehab to complete outpatient care, in which you live at home but attend meetings, groups, and therapy in the daytime, for full days, up to seven days a week if you need to.
The IOP is a more flexible option with the freedom to come and go, maintain your regular work schedule or attend classes, take care of your family or attend to your other responsibilities while scheduling therapy, groups, and counseling sessions when it works best for you. In some Legacy Healing locations, there is even the option for virtual IOP, in which sessions take place online via a telehealth platform.
Aftercare and Relapse Prevention
As much as we wish it were, drug addiction is not immediately “solved” the minute you walk out the doors of a rehab center. It is a long-term issue that ebbs and flows, and at Legacy Healing, we will be there for you when times become difficult. Our aftercare programs have been created for relapse prevention. We will ensure you have full access to a supportive, sober community in many ways.
You may want to move into a sober living home, sometimes known as a halfway house if you feel you need more support or care than you may receive at home, or your friends and family cannot provide the sober-friendly space you need.
In a sober living home, you will live under the care and supervision of staff to varying degrees, depending on your needs. Some homes are stricter, and others provide psychiatric care or other health care. Others are more casual.
Living in a sober home will keep you connected to a sober community, help you remain accountable, and you will be expected to be responsible for yourself. You will not have enablers or peer pressure while in the house, and you will have the opportunity to create sober friendships with other residents.
We also provide access to our extensive alumni community, with an open invitation to join their many meetings and sober outings, giving you new sober friends who can help you and provide support when you need it.
With all these options available to you alongside the continued staff support and resources offered at Legacy Healing, there is no reason for you to ever feel alone in your recovery again.
MAT Drug Rehab Boynton Beach
When detoxing from drugs while in drug addiction treatment in Boynton Beach, a Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT) program is recommended so you can remain safe and avoid the worst of the withdrawal symptoms detoxing causes. Your body will need time to readjust to not having the drugs in its system, and we can help you through this challenging period using prescription medications as you stay in our detox facility under 24-hour care.
You will move in for the entire detox period, and our clinical staff will ensure you stay safe, hydrated, rested, and comfortable, providing FDA-approved medicine to stop drug cravings and to block painful withdrawal symptoms as you recover. MAT is an integrated program, so we also provide counseling and behavioral therapy at this time so you can begin the healing process, dealing with negative feelings and trauma that may come up as the drugs leave your system.
At Legacy Healing, we will help you through each step of your treatment and ensure you never have to suffer or feel alone as you recover from your addiction. We will provide you with all the information you need so you know what to expect every step of the way, and we will help you meet your goals and become the sober individual you want to be. Contact us today at 888.534.2295 for more information on our drug addiction treatment in Boynton Beach.
For drug addiction treatment in Boynton Beach, reach out to the addiction treatment experts at Legacy Healing Center! #boyntonbeach #legacyhealinghttps://t.co/VqaXbltAzU
— Legacy Healing Center (@LegacyHealingC1) September 21, 2021