Flexible Treatment for Addiction Recovery in Philadelphia
Legacy Healing Center Blog
The Most Flexible Treatment Options for Addiction Recovery
When you are considering entering a treatment program for addiction recovery, you may worry about taking care of your responsibilities like childcare, going to work, or attending your classes. You, like many other Americans, cannot afford to take an entire month or more away from your life to go into a 30-to-90-day inpatient program. What can you do if you need flexible treatment for addiction recovery in Philadelphia that will still allow you to go to school or work? The answer is outpatient rehab.
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Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction
Outpatient treatment is a type of rehab where you do not live inside the treatment center but commute to the behavioral health center for group therapy, individual therapy, medical appointments, and other psychiatric care. You will also attend flexible addiction treatment classes and educational programs, life-skills programs, and other helpful classes and meetings that will help you in all aspects of your life. Outpatient rehab is usually customized to each patient, so you can transition back into your everyday life or continue working and attending to other essential responsibilities throughout treatment.
Is Outpatient Addiction Treatment Right for You?
For flexible treatment for addiction recovery in Philadelphia, this treatment works best for people who:
- Are highly motivated in their treatment
- Are willing and able to attend all appointments, groups, and other commitments, including arranging their own transportation and managing their schedule.
- Are not experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms.
- Do not need 24-hour oversight like medical or psychiatric care.
- Need extra flexibility in their treatment schedule to take care of family, work, and other life commitments and responsibilities.
Types of Outpatient Addiction Treatment Programs Available Near Philadelphia
The main types of flexible treatment for addiction recovery in Philadelphia include:
- Partial Hospitalization Programs: temporary day programs that run five to seven days per week, with full days of treatment and optional sober housing used as an intermediary step between inpatient detox/rehab programs and outpatient treatment. Therapy, medical care, counseling, and more are provided, focusing on individual responsibility.
- Intensive Outpatient Programs: flexible outpatient programs that are usually a few hours, a few days per week, and run in the evenings and on weekends so you can return to work or school but still receive all the care you need
- Outpatient/Aftercare Programs: these are continuing long-term programs that you can stay in for an extended amount of time as you return to living your life as usual. You will still have connections to a sober community with plenty of support if you need it, but you will be in control of booking appointments with doctors and therapists on your own.
Find Flexible Treatment for Addiction Recovery at Legacy Healing Center
Legacy Healing Center offers flexible treatment for addiction recovery in Philadelphia. Along with a traditional inpatient program, we offer all levels of outpatient treatment.
Our PHP program runs six days per week, with a minimum of 25 hours of clinical treatment. The IOP program provides a minimum of nine hours of clinical therapy per week that can be scheduled around your work and school schedule as needed. Our outpatient program is a continuation of the IOP but with just one hour a week of scheduled therapy and the option of attending recovery activities and groups.
Call us at 888.534.2295 today for more information about outpatient care with Legacy Healing or flexible treatment for addiction recovery in Philadelphia. We will always be your place to come when you feel like you need extra support as our belief is that “once a patient, always a patient.” Even if you have completed your entire drug rehab program and moved on with your life, if you feel like you need somebody to talk to about addiction or are having a hard time and are worried about relapse, you can always come back to us. You are never alone in recovery with Legacy Healing’s flexible addiction treatment.