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What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a clinically established form of guided hypnosis that helps people with a history of substance use disorder and traumatic experiences to heal. When a clinically trained hypnotherapist guides a patient into a state of deep relaxation, the effects on the unconscious mind and the ability to become more self-aware can lead to remarkably positive results.

In this hypnotized state, the patient is not aware of their surroundings or what is going on around them—they are solely focused on specific thoughts or tasks. Only a licensed and certified healthcare professional who is trained in the technique should perform hypnotherapy. This therapeutic tool allows you to enter a semi-conscious state while under the guidance of a clinical hypnotherapist.

At Legacy Healing Center, members of our staff are certified in the Krasner Hypnotherapy Method, a form of therapy that’s widely accepted within the medical community.

How Does Hypnotherapy Work?

During a hypnotherapy session, you’ll become much more self-aware and tuned in to your inner psyche. Your clinician will be able to guide you into a deeply relaxed state during which you’ll be open to positive suggestions and focused on your inner experiences, bringing to light your thoughts, emotions, and memories, with a sense of deep relaxation. Due to the relaxed and suggestive aspects of hypnotherapy, you’ll be more likely to recall any repressed trauma and other memories that you’d previously been blocking from your consciousness.

Your doctor may use hypnosis in two different ways. First, they may use suggestion therapy, which allows the person to respond to suggestions, which may lead to changed behaviors or perceptions.

Hypnosis Treatment

Hypnosis may also be used as an analysis that helps the doctor find the underlying cause of a disorder or resulting symptom. Once the issue is identified, the therapist can address it and work with the patient toward a resolution.

Contrary to what you may see on television, participants in hypnotherapy don’t lose their ability to control their own behaviors. They aren’t being controlled by the therapist, and they can come out of the hypnotic state on their own. You will probably be able to remember what happened during your hypnosis session.

Hypnosis is used as a treatment for many conditions, such as substance use disorder, anxiety, and phobias.ٰ A doctor may recommend hypnotherapy along with other medical and psychological treatments. It’s often helpful to relieve pain and encourage behavior change.

Hypnotherapy is a tool used to facilitate the results of other treatments. It should be performed by a trained health care provider in a clinic or other medical facility. The patient and health care provider will work together to decide if hypnotherapy should be part of the treatment plan.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy in Addiction Treatment

Hypnotherapy can provide numerous benefits as part of an addiction treatment plan. While it isn’t a treatment, hypnosis can make treatment for addiction more successful. Here are some benefits of the use of hypnotherapy in addiction treatment.

Hypnotherapy places you in a temporary state of deep relaxation, which allows you to be more receptive to helpful suggestions from your therapist.

Hypnotherapy allows you to recall repressed memories from past traumas, which may have led to your addiction.

Hypnotherapy can help you learn how to relieve stress and other emotions that lead to using drugs or alcohol for coping.

Hypnotherapy can help with pain management, which may alleviate symptoms of withdrawal from drugs or alcohol.

Hypnotherapy for Alcoholism

Hypnosis has been used as part of alcoholism treatment programs. The patient remains conscious and relaxed under hypnosis, which helps them think more clearly about how to handle their substance use disorder.

Hypnosis cannot replace other aspects of treatment, such as an alcohol detox program. However, it can help treatment be more successful as it enables the person to come up with key strategies to deal with addictive behaviors. Once the patient completes men’s detox or female detox to cleanse the system of the alcohol, they can focus on treatment. A person must be sober to gain the benefits of hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy for alcoholism can work in two distinct ways. The therapist may help you come up with an alternative to drinking, such as going for a walk or working out if you tend to drink because of stress. They can provide you with these suggestions under hypnosis so that your mind can recall them when you are in a situation that makes you crave a drink.

Alternatively, the therapist may use hypnotherapy for alcoholism by helping train your mind to associate drinking with an undesirable feeling. You may think of how bad your hangover is the following day or how severe the headache feels, which can deter the urge to drink again.

Medical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has often been overlooked as a potential treatment option in medical care. One study conducted with just five participants using hypnotherapy to aid in alleviating physical, behavioral, and emotional symptoms found that all participants had successful outcomes after no more than three sessions of hypnotherapy.²

One of the most profound recent developments has been the recognition that the power of hypnosis stays with the patient. This view is much different from the traditional notions held in the past.

Find Hypnotherapy Near me

If you are suffering from a substance use disorder, you may be interested in trying hypnotherapy as part of your treatment plan. At Legacy Healing Center, members of our staff are certified in the Krasner Hypnotherapy Method, a form of therapy that’s widely accepted within the medical community. Contact us today at (888)626-0320 to explore your options with hypnotherapy.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy in Addiction Treatment

Hypnotherapy places you in a temporary state of deep relaxation, during which time you are highly receptive to helpful, healing suggestions from your therapist. As you are able to access long-suppressed memories, perhaps of past traumas, you can often begin to view your addiction from a completely different perspective. Your openness during hypnotherapy can help you gain better control over your addictive behaviors. Hypnotherapy also assists in relieving stress and anxiety concerning your ability to cope without using drugs or alcohol.

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