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Legacy Healing Center’s New Admissions Office In Delray Beach

Legacy Healing Center Blog

Press Release for Legacy Healing Delray Beach

The Legacy Healing Center’s Delray Admissions Office has recently opened in Delray Beach, Florida. The brand new admissions office is designed to help people enter into one of Legacy Healing Center’s rehab centers where they receive help to overcome drug addiction and behavioral health issues. The new admissions office is designed for people who are struggling with alcohol or drug addiction to meet with a trained addiction admissions officer face-to-face to help identify the treatment they need.

Comprehensive Addiction Care In Delray Beach

Legacy Healing Center is a comprehensive behavioral health and addiction treatment provider that uses an individualized and patient-centered approach intended to help patients create a stable support network. Building hope and addressing the underlying addiction issues is also a central goal of this treatment provider.

Known for its holistic healing approach, Legacy Healing Center allows patients to thrive in a drug-free environment. They learn how to be free from toxic substances, and enjoy the freedom to live a life free from addiction.

“Recovery from addiction is only the beginning of the journey to a better life,” said Michael DePasquale, Vice President of Business Development at Legacy Healing Center. “Freedom is learning to live, so you’re ‘off the hook’, and you never have to pick up again.”

Life-Changing Addiction Care in South Florida

Legacy Healing’s treatment is designed to help addicted people end their destructive behavior and get their lives under control. This means tackling cravings, withdrawal, triggers, and temptations. Treatment can be provided in a variety of settings and in many different forms. Patients can also access treatment for various lengths of time.

Because drug addiction is a chronic disease, one-time treatment and short treatment is usually not enough for people with more serious conditions. Ongoing support and living in a community with people even after graduating from an inpatient drug or alcohol program is also encouraged. 

Drug Detox and Rehab In Delray Beach FL

Drug rehab is often provided in a residential facility that focuses on addiction treatment. Legacy offers programs that manage a person’s withdrawal symptoms while gradually reducing their drug intake also known as drug detox. Drugs, alcohol, and other illicit substances can damage a person’s health and well-being, while also affecting a person emotionally, mentally, and psychology.

Legacy Healing Center is committed to breaking the cycle of addiction by addressing the physical and mental health effects of addictive behavior. It is often necessary for patients to distance themselves from the surroundings that created the addiction, which is why inpatient treatment is often recommended.

Studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of drug rehab treatment in Delray Beach, Florida. Data from the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment’s Residential Women and Children/Pregnant and Postpartum Women Cross-Site Study and two other recent national research findings were used in the studies.

The results showed that there were strong correlations between length of stay in residential treatment and the abstinence rate after treatment. Most patients who successfully completed treatment had a length of stay of six months or more with a combination of inpatient and outpatient treatment. 

Recovery starts with meeting a treatment provider and getting admitted. Some addicted individuals never make it past the acceptance stage where they recognize that there is a drug or alcohol problem. However, once they seek help, they get started on a journey towards recovery that involves medical detox and behavioral therapy.

Addiction treatment is a personal journey—and so treatment plans provided by Legacy Healing are often personalized to suit the needs of each patient.

Those who want to get healed and recover from addiction in Delray Beach, Florida may visit the website of the Legacy Healing Center at LegacyHealing.com or call (954) 420-7414.

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