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MAT Drug Rehab Philadelphia

Legacy Healing Center Blog

Top Rated MAT Drug Rehab in Philadelphia

Did you know that there are several types of treatment methods that you can utilize when you’re ready to work through your addiction? At Legacy, we have put together a comprehensive MAT drug rehab in Philadelphia that can help you begin navigating through the recovery process in a less stressful way.

Click here to speak with a treatment specialist today or call us anytime 24/7 at (888) 534-2295

What Is MAT Drug Rehab?

The Legacy team understands that you can never approach addiction recovery with a one-size-fits-all mentality. Instead, recovery is unique and specific to the needs and goals of every person, which is one of the reasons we take the opportunity to start learning more about you and your addiction from the moment you reach out to us.

One of the treatment options that we offer at Legacy Healing is a MAT drug rehab in Philadelphia. This type of treatment incorporates both therapy and certain medications that can help make the rehab and the recovery process more manageable.

MAT is commonly referred to as medication-assisted treatment. Throughout the course of the past few years, there have been several developments in medications that can help to make the shift into sobriety easier to manage for people that have struggled with addiction for any length of time, which is one of the reasons why so many people opt to utilize our MAT drug rehab in Philadelphia.

Benefits of Medication Assisted Treatment

There are several reasons why we encourage clients to participate in MAT drug rehab in Philadelphia. A few examples include:

An easier transition

Although a person may be ready to overcome their addiction, it’s important to remember that this transition doesn’t always come easy. We can utilize certain forms of medications that can make this transition easier so you can spend more time focusing on your recovery and less time with the worry that may come along with recovery at times.

Holistic care

A MAT drug rehab in Philadelphia helps address every aspect of your recovery, which is why it’s considered a holistic form of recovery. You will have the peace of mind of knowing that you can focus on working through your addiction body, mind, and soul.

Relapse prevention

There is a high likelihood of avoiding relapse among clients that make the decision to work through a MAT drug rehab program since they are better able to manage the physical and emotional impact of their newfound sobriety in a way that isn’t as shocking or traumatic.

Medications Used in MAT

It’s important to remember that one form of treatment may work perfectly for one client. However, it may not be the best option for another person.

When you begin working with our recovery team and conclude that a MAT drug rehab program would be in your best interests, we will provide you with different medication options and speak with you in greater detail regarding which ones you would feel comfortable taking.

MAT Drug Rehab in Legacy Healing Center

The Legacy Healing Center team understands the stress and the pressure that go hand-in-hand with addiction. The goal of our MAT drug rehab in Philadelphia is to provide you with the support you need to be able to work through the aspects of your life and addiction that may be holding you back from living your best life.

Do you have more questions regarding what you can expect from our MAT drug rehab in Philadelphia? Give us a call at 888.534.2295 today. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you find the right path to sobriety.

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