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What Percentage of Addicts Stay Clean?

Legacy Healing Center Blog

You often hear about people attending alcohol or drug rehab in Florida or other parts of the country repeatedly. It understandably can cause you to wonder what percentage of addicts stay clean. Before looking at the statistics, it is essential to know that recovering from alcohol or substance use disorder (AUD and SUD), often referred to as “addiction,” typically involves a relapse. Addiction is marked by severe physical and psychological dependence, making it challenging for individuals to quit substance abuse once it starts. The decision to seek treatment is a significant step toward recovery, but many individuals may relapse after completing a program. We’re exploring more on relapse below and why it happens.

What Is Relapse in Addiction?

The definition of relapse in addiction is when an individual returns to substance abuse after a period of sobriety. It’s important to note that relapse is not a failure, rather it’s a sign that the individual needs additional support to maintain sobriety. It’s crucial to identify the triggers that cause relapse and develop coping mechanisms to deal with them. At our rehabilitation center, we provide aftercare support programs to ensure that you stay clean after completing rehab.

What Percentage of Alcoholics Recover Completely?

Alcoholism is a severe form of alcohol abuse that can cause long-term physical and mental health problems. The road to recovery from alcoholism can be long and challenging, but it’s possible with the right treatment and support. Research shows that more than one-third of alcoholics recover within the first year. Someone in the midst of a binge may need a detox for alcohol, which is available at a number of our locations. So, when it comes to what percentage of alcoholics recover, it’s 36%. This percentage increases as recovering alcoholics maintain their sobriety or a low level of drinking.

What Percentage of Meth Users Stay Clean?

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant drug that can cause severe physical and psychological damage. Long-term use of meth can lead to dependence, making it challenging for individuals to quit without professional help. The relapse rate for meth addiction is high, with some studies suggesting that up to 90% of people relapse after treatment. To stop using methamphetamine, preferably through a meth detox many people can overcome meth addiction and achieve long-term sobriety.

What Percentage of Heroin Addicts Recover?

Heroin addiction is a severe form of opioid addiction that can cause long-term physical and psychological damage. The relapse rate for heroin addiction is high, with some studies suggesting that up to 90% of people relapse after treatment. However, long-term recovery rates vary widely, with some studies suggesting that 50% of people remain sober for five years or more. The road to recovery from heroin addiction can be long and challenging, but it’s possible with the right treatment and support.

Legacy Healing Is Here to Help

Addiction is a chronic disease that requires ongoing care and attention. Now that you know that what percentage of addicts who stay clean varies widely, it’s important to remember that recovery is possible with the right treatment and support. At Legacy Healing Center, we offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs that are tailored to each individual’s unique needs. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to helping our clients achieve long-term sobriety and live fulfilling lives in recovery.

To learn more about our treatment center, contact us today and speak with one of our trained intake specialists.

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